Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Diagnosis Of Diabetes Mellitus ( Dm ) - 843 Words

Diabetes or clinically referred to as Diabetes Mellitus (DM), is part of several groups of metabolic illnesses where there are high glucose levels for an extended period of time. Diabetes happens if there is not enough insulin produced by the pancreas or the body cells are not adequately responding to the insulin produced. (Ciccone, 2016 p510-511). Delving into its early history, diabetes was one of the early illnesses described, from a tablet found in Egypt from the year 1500 BC that stated too great emptying of the urine.† The early recorded case was about type 1 diabetes. Ancient medicine men from India around the same period identified the disease and gave it the term Madhu Mehta honey urine,† by observing the urine of a patient attracted ants. An early mention of diabetes or to pass through found in passages from poetry by Apollonius, a Greek philosopher from the Egyptian area of Memphis in 230BC. Diabetes was almost nonexistent in the Roman empire, the philosopher Galen commenting that he had observed two cases in his lifetime. The ancient people’s diet and lifestyle was an important factor and also because the symptoms diagnosed during the late stages of the disease. Philosopher Galen called it urine diarrhea or diarrhea urinosa. A surviving papyrus was found with written details about diabetes in the writings of Aretaeus on 2nd or early 3rd BC. He stated that the disease, which he ascribed to the coldness of moisture, imitating the inscriptions fromShow MoreRelatedDiabetes Mellitus ( Dm ) Is One Of The Most Prevalent Diseases Affecting The Endocrine System1636 Words   |  7 PagesDiabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most prevalent diseases affecting the endocrine system. The incidence of DM in the United States has reached over 29 million citizens (Diabetes Latest, 2014). 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